Book Blogger Hop

Today I'm doing a quick link-up with Crazy for Books.
Book Blogger Hop

This week's question is:
“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?”

I thought this was interesting and started perusing the list of banned books and was SHOCKED that Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl was on this list! Although there are other books on the list that I probably enjoyed more as an entertainment read (ex: The Hunger Games), I was astonished that someone would challenge this book being in the schools! It was such a touching, first-hand and personal account of what happened then. You can't get that in history books, etc. 

Apparently, according to the Banned Books list, they are still allowing the book to be read, but at a higher grade level (not sure what grade it was banned from in the first place). I remember reading this when I was in 9th grade I think. Maybe even earlier. 

It's interesting to see what kinds of stupidity people have "problems" with. Makes you wonder what those people do during the day if they have time to complain about books like Anne Frank!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post -- I've hear of banned books, but never did the research for it until now. It is ridiculous to ban or challenge most of the books on the lists, it's just appalling -- most are classics!

    You said it best; "It's interesting to see what kinds of stupidity people have "problems" with. Makes you wonder what those people do during the day if they have time to complain about books like Anne Frank!" AMEN!


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